
How to Flip the Stories You Share about Challenging Behaviors

Tiffany Jean Smith • February 24, 2020
Why is it that the children who need our love and support the most are the last ones to receive it? I have asked myself this question many times. It is something that drives my work and passion for children with challenging behaviors. This question has also led me to many obvious conclusions – we don’t know how to support them, their needs are hard to address in a group setting, and what about the others (aren’t they losing out)? This question is at the center of many conversations related to supporting children with challenging behaviors. You hear about it when advocates discuss the importance of social skills on later success in school and life.  My exploration of the question has led me to a possible answer that has yet to be considered.  

Could it be the "stories" we tell ourselves about children's behaviors?

I have been a teacher my entire life. When I was growing up, I would put papers on my wall, place my stuffed animals in rows, have my little brother be the principle, bus driver… You name it! We would actually make my mom wait to drive as we pretended all of our “students” got on the “bus”. These memories make me smile, but they also remind me of what my vision of teaching was…….all my students happily going along with my plans, my routines, my activities. I never had a child who said, “NO!”, yelled, or ran away. They all wanted to be at school and LOVED it! Does this sound like what your vision of being a teacher was? Is this similar to what you expected? Could this be why so many of us feel that by providing for a child’s individual needs, we are in fact taking something away from the other children in the class?

When I started teaching, this is exactly what I expected – happy children, ready to do what Ms. Tiffany said. Instead, I got a different reality. I was a Twos teacher in a classroom with 12 children, 9 boys and 3 girls. And the boys were active – climbing on furniture, hitting, wrestling, and running EVERYWHERE. What happened to my “happy” children? Where did they go? I can’t tell you how many times I came home crying and ready to find another job. Can you relate?

I tell you this because we have expectations for the children in our care before we even meet them.  Children’s abilities to meet our expectations often lead to us making assumptions about them.  “He’s mean” when a child hits.  “She’s defiant” when a child does not follow our directions.  “She’s a good listener, a model student” for children who easily go along with our daily routines and activities.  “I wish I had more children like her” to highlight the child we want versus the ones we have.  The stories we tell ourselves about the children’s behaviors shape our interactions with them, views of them, and thoughts about our success or failure as a teacher.  The stories we tell ourselves are POWERFUL because they become what we “see” and eventually “believe” about the child.  Don’t believe me?  

Think about a child in your class who has challenging behaviors. Review notes you have written about their behaviors, reflect on conversations you have about them with other teachers, even write a description of something that happened last week. What do you see in the words you use to describe the behavior? Does the story that you tell include any positive comments, things that make you smile, or the child’s strengths and interests?
I know what you’re asking, “Why does this matter?” It matters because the words we use to describe a child's behaviors determines how we “see” their behavior, how we work with parents to find solutions, and most importantly how we interact with the child. If you talk about the child using positive and specific words to describe their actions, you see the child’s behavior as communicating a need and thus approach the challenging behavior from a perspective of “teaching”. In contrast, using words with negative meanings, such as aggressive, mean, defiant, bully, etc., lead to you seeing the child as a problem who needs to be fixed or punished. My point is the difference in how you respond to challenging behaviors is directly related to the words you use to describe what happened. This highlights the importance of recognizing the unconscious stories we tell ourselves about children’s behaviors. When we do this, we can “flip” the story and open our minds to the “see” the whole child, both their strengths and their struggles.  
So, the question becomes how do we “flip” the stories we tell ourselves, so that we can change how we see and interact with the child with challenging behaviors?  

Here is a list of 5 strategies that have worked for me:

Play with the child when they are engaging in positive behaviors.

The thing I have noticed when working with children with challenging behaviors is that we tend to “take a break” from the child when they are not engaging in challenging behaviors.  Responding to the challenging behaviors requires so much attention and energy that when the child is cooperatively following routines, we use that time to do the other things we don’t get to do while the challenging behavior is present.  However, this “break” sends an unintended message to the child:  

"If you want my attention, engage in challenging behaviors and I will come." 

To break this cycle, I follow the 2 minutes for 10 consecutive days strategy to build a stronger relationship with the child with challenging behaviors.  When the children is meeting expectations, I walk over and spend 2 minutes talking with them about what they are doing, listening to a story they have to tell, dancing to music, whatever.  It is all about spending time with them doing something positive.  You will learn a lot about the child as well, including interests, strengths, and what is happening at home.  All of this is information you can use to help support them when they are struggling later.  If anything, it helps you build the know, trust, and like factor into your relationship that is so vital to getting the child to want to follow your guidance. 

    Talk about the child's strengths more than their challenges.

    What you talk about is what you notice.  When working with children with challenging behaviors, it’s easy to focus on their challenges and miss their strengths.  Jeanine Fitzgerald in her book entitled The Dance of Interaction:  Discovering the Hero Within Every Child writes about how every child is born with a special talent waiting to bloom.  I believe this to be true as well.  The challenge for us as teachers is to begin to talk about the strengths of children with challenging behaviors as much as we talk about their struggles.  In this article, I discussed the importance of leading conversations about challenging behaviors from a strength-based perspective.  When you do this, you talk about the child’s interests, times of day when they are successful, favorite activities, supports for helping the child manage triggers, and celebrate each child’s baby steps along the way.  This allows us to see the child as a “seedling” who needs water to begin to sprout, rather than as a burden that is taking something away from the other children.

    Describe the child's behavior using objective language.

    To help myself clearly describe the specifics of a challenging behavior, I ask myself the following question:

    “What makes me think.....?"

    When you ask yourself this question, it makes you focus on what the child actually did.  The actions and statements that lead you to conclude a child was defiant, aggressive, or mean.  It gets you back to the actual behavior and focuses your attention on what actually happened versus your interpretations about what happened.  

    The next time you experience a challenging behavior, I challenge you to write what happened on our anecdotal record form, which you can accesshere.  After you have finished writing, go back and ask yourself “What makes me think this” anytime you described what happened using non-specific language or details.  Comment below the differences you see when you describe the behavior using this question as a guide.  

    Use the word "can't" instead of "won't" 

    These are two small words with powerful meanings.  Some people will say that the meanings of these two words are similar, but I challenge that they are not.  In fact, the use of these words can directly impact how you respond to a child’s behavior because they have two very distinct meanings.  “Won’t” means will not.  This means that a child can do something, but chooses not to do it.  For example, “Sarah won’t talk” means Sarah has the ability to talk, but is choosing not to talk at the moment.  When you describe children’s behaviors be saying they won’t do something, you are telling yourself that they have the ability to do it, but are choosing not to do it.  The child is being uncooperative, stubborn, or shall I say defiant.

    However, children usually have challenging behaviors because there is a social or emotional skill that they have not yet learned.  This means that they are not having tantrums because they won’t “control their emotions”, but because they can’t control their emotions.  By saying they can’t, you are helping yourself to identify the child’s learning need.  This simple change in wording starts the process of responding to challenging behaviors with a lens toward “teaching”.  

    Identify the missing social skills in the challenging behavior.

    In this article, we discuss the three questions every preschool teacher needs to ask when addressing challenging behaviors.  The second question is “what does the child need to learn?”  When we ask ourselves this question, we focus our attention on what the child needs to learn in order to meet our expectations.  

    For example, I ask, “What does Jacob need to learn?” to not hit his peers during while playing in blocks.  Depending on the information I have gathered from tracking of his behavior, this answer will be different for different children.  This is why it’s important to build relationships with each child and get to know their unique strengths, skills, and triggers when planning behavior supports for them.  The first step toward targeting our supports to reasons driving the behavior is knowing the social-emotional skills each child needs to learn to engage in prosocial behavior.
    I would love to hear your thoughts on this article, specifically how you think the stories we tell ourselves impact our interactions with children with challenging behaviors.  

    Comment your thoughts, insights, or questions below.  Let’s start this very important discussion today.  
    Hi Everyone!  I am the founder of Teaching Foundations, LLC.  I have over 15 years experience in the field of Early Childhood Education.  I share with you strategies and tools for managing challenging behaviors that I have learned as a classroom teacher, curriculum specialist, and behavior consultant.  Let's conquer challenging behaviors together!

      Do you have a process for addressing challenging behaviors in your early childhood program?  Our live, instructor-led virtual training, Breaking the Behavior Code:  Discovering the "Why" Behind Challenging Behaviors will teach you our 5-step process.  Sessions running in September and October. 

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